Terms of Use

HomeSearch is a trade name of Rently BV (hereinafter also: "we" or "us"). Rently BV is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 72211806. Rently BV is located at Singel 130, 1015AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The use of this website
The following Terms of Use apply to the use of this website. By using this website you are deemed to have read and accepted these terms of use.

The following applies to all visits to and use of this website and to all information and data provided on or through this website.

Information and Liability
Although this website has been compiled with the greatest possible care, we do not guarantee that the data and information provided on it is free of errors or imperfections. The rental properties are provided by Content Partners.

We are not liable for any damage that is or may arise from the use of this data and information. If use is made of the information and data on this website, this is done entirely at your own risk.

The information on this website is only intended as general information and for general use. No rights can be derived from the information on our website.

We are not liable for damage resulting from the use of the content of our website or of websites that are connected to our website, for example by means of hyper (text) link (s) or meta tag (s). Furthermore, we are not liable for damage, arising from or in connection with the use or impossibility thereof, of material available on our website or obtained via cookies. We are not liable for damage resulting from the use of services and / or information from third parties, which are offered through our websites.

We are also not liable for damage resulting from the use of electronic means for communication with our websites, including - but not limited to - damage resulting from non-delivery or delay in the delivery of electronic messages, interception or manipulation. of electronic messages by third parties or by software / equipment used for electronic communication and virus transmission. The above limitations of liability do not apply if the damage is the result of intent or gross negligence on our part.

We do not guarantee that the information and material offered on the website is up to date, complete and / or accurate. We also do not guarantee that the information offered on our websites is free of errors, defects and / or viruses. Furthermore, we do not guarantee that such errors and / or defects in the website will be repaired or viruses will be remedied.

If in doubt about the correctness of the data or if inaccuracies are found, we recommend that you contact the person who provides the relevant information (usually our Content Partners). We are not liable for damage that occurs directly or indirectly through the use of the information you derive from our websites.

You indemnify us against all claims from third parties for damage that they (claim to) have suffered as a result of:

Computer failures
We do not accept any liability for malfunctions or other technical defects (including - but not limited to - viruses, etc.) which arise as a result of visiting the website and / or websites to which reference is made in any way.

Copyright and intellectual property rights
The copyright in this website rests with us or our Content Partners. Reproduction in any form is only permitted with prior permission from us and / or Content Partner.

We reserve the right to unilaterally amend these Terms of Use without prior notice. The adjustments will take effect immediately unless stated otherwise. The announcement is made by publication on this website. If you continue to use our website after the adjustments, this implies that you irrevocably accept these changes. It is therefore wise to consult these Terms of Use regularly.

These Terms of Use are governed by Dutch law. A dispute about these Terms of Use will be submitted to the competent court in Amsterdam.